SCIS Presented Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Third Region Award

AUSA Space Coast Chapter President, Colonel (Retired) Phil LoSchiavo, presents SCIS VP/CFO Jim Ralph with the AUSA Third Region award for SCIS’ support during 2020. Mr. LoSchiavo said, “The award was presented to SCIS for all their support in the past and especially during this pandemic year. They’re always there when we need support and we especially appreciate their open invitation to hold our monthly Executive Committee meetings on a moment’s notice.”
AUSA supports soldiers, their families, and Army civilians, while providing a voice for the Army and honoring those who have served. AUSA’s Third region supports chapters throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carlina, South Carolina, Panama, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. In addition to supporting our soldiers, their families and Army civilians, the Space Coast Chapter provides awards and support to high school Junior Reserve Officers’ Corps training programs from Daytona Beach through Indian River county as well as College Reserve Officers’ corps training programs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Florida Institute of Technology. The among the many annual events, the Space Coast Chapter holds quarterly General Membership Meetings (open to the public) and an Army Birthday dinner. To learn more about Space Coast AUSA visit their website at